Handing in your notice can be daunting, especially if your reasons are because of management issues. But there are ways to make it easier when you are handing in your resignation. Its a necessary evil when starting a new chapter and new career but lot of people dread handing in their notice to their employer, especially if you have a long notice period.
Here are a few of our tips to make it go as smoothly as possible and to make those last few weeks or months bearable when working your notice –
1. Where possible, speak to your line manager to let them know first rather than just sending in your notice via email or letter. Its awkward i know! But the company and manager will have to give you credit for tackling it head on and having the confidence to say it in person.
2. Don’t dwell on the negatives, keep your notice letter concise and thank the company even if you are leaving because of a particular situation. Your written notice is not the right place to explain your reasons why. Make sure you are in the right head space when writing your letter. Maybe give it a day if you are angry about a situation and ask a friend or family member to look over your letter before you send it to make sure it reads well.
3. Be honest if management do ask for the reasons why you are leaving – just make sure you say it in a professional manner, despite probably not wanting to! You can still leave on a good note and give honest feedback . You just have to be careful not to bring emotions or opinions into what you are saying and stick to the facts when explaining your reasons for leaving. Just keep in mind that most of the time the company will want to learn from their mistakes as a high turnover of staff looks bad for them so, you are doing them a favour by giving constructive criticism.
4. Try and end on good terms with your colleagues – it’s not always that easy but you never know who you might meet again in your career future! And i will also make those last few weeks or months more bearable for you when working your notice.